
Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Purcell Marian High School (August, 1997 – present)

Alternating-day block schedule, interdisciplinary studies (I have taught courses entitled African-American Studies, The Tree, and The Devil of Faith and Fiction), Intersession (week-long mini-courses between quarters – I have taught classes entitled things like Small Towns, Shopping Malls, and Wal-Mart, and last year's Meet Your Meat: Food Changes and Food Chains), Exhibitions (student-centered performance assessments – last year's Advanced Literature Exhibition was entitled "Back Downtown," and it was conducted at Memorial Hall), A.P. Vertical Teaming (I have the underclassmen Advanced courses), etc. I also have experience teaching college prep and general classes, as well as experience with inclusion, portfolios, rubrics, etc.

Additional Resources:

Information on Exhibitions: Performance and Exhibitions: The Demonstration of Mastery.

Material used for Small Towns, Shopping Malls, and Wal-Mart: Store Wars: When Wal-Mart Comes To Town.

Material used for Meet Your Meat: Food Changes and Food Chains: MeetYourMeat.com.